This month’s thematic theme for preschoolers is APPLES! I’ve also included some beginning autumn activities here and there.
Wondering how this works? Use the compiled list below as a starting point for your own homeschooling or use for supplemental activities. I will post monthly thematic units as the year continues.
Enjoy! Genevieve
Reading, Vocabulary, & Literature
- Read a minimum of 20 minutes per day to your child
- Go to your local library and look-up/checkout both fiction and nonfiction books on apples and autumn. Let your child help you select the books. Have her read the pictures or retell the story to you.
- Ten Apples Up On Top (also a Art/Fine motor activity)
- Vocabulary Words: apple, red, green, yellow, Granny Smith, Red Delicious, seed, tree, picking, orchard, pollinate, apple, cider, apple sauce, core, apple pie, Johnny Appleseed (source: Busy Teachers Cafe)
- Flannel Story: Five Little Apples
Letters & Writing
Art & Fine Motor
Outings, Sensory, & Large Motor
Faith & Love
Online Educational Fun